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2024三校研討會徵稿NCCU-SNU-UTokyo Joint Symposium Call for abstract歡迎投稿

今年三校研討會由政大傳院主辦,主題訂為AI-Human Communication人智傳播,研討會日期為2024 年10月17日,歡迎本院研究所碩博士生踴躍投稿。


2024 NCCU-SNU-UTokyo Joint Symposium:
AI-Human Communication
Call for Abstract
As we start kicking off the upcoming 2024 NCCU-SNU-UTokyo Joint Symposium, it becomes imperative to bring artificial intelligence (AI) into the spotlight. AI has impact on people’s communication and workplace as we see that human start to collaborate with AI to create content. AI also has been served as an interface facilitating various processes of communication such as chatbot, customer service, and agents for product developments. How do human work with AI for better productivity? How do human trust and perceive the transparency of AI being an agent in the communication processes? How can social scientists work to build a reliable and responsible AI for our society? We are passionate to discuss and explore all these intricate dynamics between artificial intelligence (AI) and human interaction; hence, this year’s conference theme is AI-Human Communication.

We encourage all doctoral and master's students in the College of Communication to submit research abstracts in English (word count: a maximum of 500 words) to by 5 p.m. on July 1st, 2024 (Monday). The abstract format should adhere to our template (see page 2). All abstracts will be reviewed by the professors of the College of Communication, and the results will be announced on IMICS's website on July 15th. Presenters are NOT required to submit a full paper.

Symposium date: October 17th (Thursday)
Symposium location: NCCU, Taipei

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