The College of Communication pioneered Taiwan’s first doctoral program in communication studies, dedicated to cultivating top-tier educators and researchers. The program integrates research across various subfields, building upon the master’s curriculum while emphasizing academic innovation and visionary development.
Established in 1983, the Ph.D. program in Journalism was the highest academic program within the College of Communication (hereafter referred to as "the College") and remained its sole doctoral program. To optimize teaching and research resources, enhance competitiveness, and address evolving trends such as talent supply-demand imbalances, media convergence, and globalization, the program was restructured in August 2013 into the College’s comprehensive doctoral program in communication studies.
This transformation broadens the program’s academic and research scope, equipping it to tackle the challenges of digitalization, media convergence, and globalization in communication studies. Beyond advancing education and scholarship, the program seeks to generate a "diffusion effect," contributing expert insights and research capabilities to industries, government agencies, and the third sector.